New Horizons, Epicenter: Super Bowl

football field

by Koyal George, IAAM Contributor

The Super Bowl is one of, if not the major sporting event in the United States.  People from all over the world gather to watch two teams battle it out for the right to be called champions.  This year’s game may be the biggest yet because it marks the 50th anniversary of the NFL Championship.  It’s being played in Santa Clara, California on February 7th.

As one might guess the revelry will be as intense as the rivalry!  There’ll be live entertainment and lots of beer and other alcohol which means it’s time to party!  It’s also big business in and around the venue itself, as well as through official merchandising.  Uber is another business which has been booming of late and it’s now an official sponsor of the Super Bowl.  As Uber explores this new horizon of Super Bowl accessibility and lucrative possibility, other horizons loom large for the newly “invested.”  I’ve personally decided to work toward a “champion” status, and set out in a new direction; hopeful about what lies ahead on the vast plane of possibility.

I am an algebra teacher turned advocate, a coach turned co-achiever, a former NCAA Division I wide receiver and defensive back.  A true guy of the grid iron turned defender of dignity, IAAM a man on a mission.  Recently, I’ve gained some insight.  Hey, I’ve never been a sideline sitter and I don’t intend to be one now, so I’m getting in the game; working at being a champion once again.  I’ve become a part of a new team.  International Athletes’ Abolition Mission is an organization that seeks to end the demand for human sex trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery.  I’m lending my skills and learning new ones in order to be a valued team member.  This blog is part of that effort!  So, here’s where my new horizon meets Uber’s,

Uber is an organization built to connect drivers and riders through an app.  Uber and cab companies around Santa Clara will definitely benefit if people choose to act responsibly in the party atmosphere leading up to and surrounding Super Bowl play.  While Carolina and Denver battle it out on the field, classic cabs and Uber will battle it out on the streets leading to the stadium.  Uber will have special, exclusive rights to reserved space for drop off and pick up.  People see Uber as uber-accessible, deeming the “hookup” between drivers and riders as a convenience.  The ideal scenario is that it’s easily accessible to those who want to get from one place to another safely without hurt, harm, or danger, right?  I mean at least that’s what you would think.

I can’t unknow what I know.  What if the person on the other end of the rider/driver equation is an opportunist; a drug dealer, rapist, pimp (trafficker)?  What if your X is meant to equal his “Y?” – why he’s choosing to use Uber?  Your potential as the next victim may prove to make your simple decision based on accessibility and convenience, the worst decision you’ve ever made.  This is not meant to discredit Uber and their recent success, but to ask all of you – mostly you women and young people – to be careful.  Enjoy the festivities but play it smart!  Know your offensive and defensive plays:  never go anywhere alone, have pepper spray, Taser, etc. handy at all times.  If you’re alone in an Uber or a cab, make sure that you’re on the phone the entire ride with a reliable source and that they’re aware of your next destination, and keep your eyes open for signs of trafficking.  Unfortunately, some people’s definition of a party includes another’s nightmare trapped in the life.  Pimps appreciate technology when scheduling and for convenience, too.  Bay Area District Attorneys are also asking citizens to keep their eyes open during Super Bowl week for signs of what they’re calling “modern-day slavery.”  Announcing their joint efforts to combat human trafficking, San Francisco law enforcement officials are stressing awareness and caution on the part of the public.

My new desire for championship status includes every fiber of my being as an athlete and lover of the game of football.  Only now I see my students, players and others more clearly in the sports equation.  My role as a champion in the sporting sector is one of upholding their dignity, so I’ll continue to grind.
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Nothing but #purepassion for the sport.


Koyal George

North Carolina State University ’09

© 2016

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1 Comment

  1. joe kemble Reply

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and concern! Glad to have you in the starting line up!

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